Token Dissonance

Black & gay, young & conservative. A Southern gentleman writes about life and politics after Yale

About Rek

Yes, a gentleman ties his own tie.


First off, thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy your stay. If you don’t already know me, I’m an Army brat from a Southern family with a near-religious devotion to good whiskey, college football, gun rights, and politics. I’m young, suburban, and love country music. I’m openly gay and opposed to living in Blue States. I went to Yale and joined the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. On most days, I would rather talk about things like virtue, duty, and decency than the latest political gossip. I’m an eternal optimist. I find stereotypes hilarious.

My articles have been published in The Daily CallerThe Huffington Post, and The Washington Times, and I’ve been on TV and radio a few times for Republican-related things. If you’re somehow not too appalled, bemused, chagrined, or dumbfounded to keep reading, welcome to the conversation.

Follow me on Twitter or email me at

8 thoughts on “About Rek

  1. You’re very interesting.

  2. Read your article on Dailycaller. Dovetails well with AC’s discussion on Racism. Thank You for your insights. I look forward to more from you in the next Term!


  3. Saw your stuff on Facebook; every post/article has been a great read. To someone on the brink of really ‘becoming Republican,’ you’ve answered a lot of questions and provided a lot of insight. Thanks, and I look forward to reading more from you.

  4. I just discovered your blog by accident and am so glad I did! Your prose is outstanding and your ability to think outside the box is beyond refreshing. Glad to have fresh thought-provoking material to read!

  5. Found you via a friend…Interesting perspective. I’m listening, keep writing..:)

  6. “If you’re somehow not too appalled, bemused, chagrined, or dumbfounded to keep reading, welcome to the conversation.”

    Hey, I’m a center-left, white gay guy from Georgia (who can’t wait to escape to a bluer state) and I really enjoy your blog! Political differences should not get in the way of enjoying well-written and articulate articles; even if you may not necessarily agree with everything written.

  7. A pleasure to meet you Rek. You are most welcome to visit my blog whenever you get the chance. 🙂

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